Stop crippling WordPress
William D.
I had to threaten a lawsuit to get your proprietary plugin removed from my site to stop it from blocking default wordpress functions and restore my ability to control plugin updates individually. Your proprietary plugin completely destroys my ability to troubleshoot plugins effectively. Your all-or-nothing approach forces me to either accept all auto-updates to everything or disable all auto-updates to everything for 90 days with a setting on your server configuration. I had a situation where I needed to revert to an earlier version of a plugin to avoid downtime while I figured out what needed to change on my site to make it compatible. With your plugin installed, I had no ability to stop the outdated but working plugin from getting auto-updated again unless I disabled auto-updates globally for all plugins for 90 days through your server dashboard. Disabling individual plugin auto-update settings does nothing to enhance the user interface, the user experience, site security, or site performance. The only thing it does is make troubleshooting plugin conflicts more difficult and forces wordpress users to ask your tech support staff to perform tasks they should normally be able to take care of without a tech support intervention. While I understand the usefulness of having your branded propriatary plugin that offers caching features compatible with your server environment and a selection of free plugins that would otherwise cost money to license individually, I disagree with your decision to use it for overriding my control over plugin updates. All wordpress users should be entitled to use all of the built-in functions of wordpress without restrictions. Your management role is to manage the server, not my site.