"Staging" feature is really poorly implemented
Richard R.
This is really really disappointing. The entire point of a staging site is to get everything just so, test it, then easily make it live. Which is how virtually all other providers handle it.
Support says that to make a staging site live, we have to perform multiple manual steps (downloading, uploading, zipping, making sure PHP version is the same, etc). Lots of potential points for failure, and involves longer downtime for the site. I think it's misleading to even call this a staging site--it's just another entirely unrelated web site (with a different billing profile)
Plus the whole "zip file" thing means there's a good chance of orphaned files in the live site (that were deleted in "staging"), contributing to our usage. Unless again, we manually track all of the deleted files and delete them manually.
Please, please, please provide "swap", "copy" or "publish" feature--like every other provider. Or stop calling it staging, and just call it a "free copy" or something.