Compatibility Checker errors
Can you PLEASE makes the errors separate, or come up to the top? I wasted a lot of time today scrolling through over 3400 files trying to find the 5 giving errors. After going through twice, I still only found 3. I appreciate the checker finding issues, but needs to be more efficient in giving us the report. I think this suggestion would help a lot of your customers. Thanks for your great support!
Frank G.
This is long overdue. A decent programmer could have this done very quickly.
Karlo Z.
Any update on this? It's been over a year since it was marked as "planned" and getting any valuable information out of the PHP compatibility checker is still basically impossible.
Rachel C.
yes!!!! i have 7400 files on one of my smaller sites, it said 177 errors but i scrolled forever and couldn't find any?
Brian Watson
When I wanted to upgrade versions of PHP, your system runs a compatibility check. It then comes back and reports errors. Problem is I had to scroll through over 3400 files to TRY and find the errors. Because they are so hard to find, I only saw 3, instead of the 5 reported. This took a lot of my time only to have a negative ending--and this was for one of my smaller sites. Seems you should be able to bring the errors up to the top -- or pull them out in a different tab? Something to help highlight the issues. Sure would be appreciated and I would think benefit all your customers. Thanks for listening.
Christie Chirinos, Product Manager - WooCommerce
under review
Christie Chirinos, Product Manager - WooCommerce
Thanks for your feedback! Can you specify what you are referring to with compatibility checker? We love feedback about making our features more usable but we have a number of different check, verification and visual comparison tools across all of our Nexcess products to monitor your applications so we would love to know which one specifically you are struggling with.