Auto Let's Encrypt Needs a Go Button
Steve G.
Once the DNS records have been changed to point to a transferred site, we have to wait around without any feedback and hope that the Auto Let's Encrypt system sees the DNS change and then installs the cert for the domain.
When your new site is sitting there and people who access it are getting a "not safe" error message, you want to know that the cert will be installed asap.
We should be able to click a button to tell the system to check DNS and install the cert.
Stanton A.
Agreed 100%
Rachel C.
I use Cloudflare for all my client websites, with proxy for DNS. Lets Encrypt apparently doesn't like that, and won't auto renew my certificate. Support staff says I have to manually disable proxy, reissue the certificate, then reenable proxy. But when I do that, there's no force regeneration/check on the certificate, so I just have to sit and twiddle my thumbs with an insecure site until Let's Encrypt gets around to reissuing???
Christie Chirinos, Product Manager - WooCommerce
Thanks for your feedback. We're looking into this.
James W.
There is another suggestion around SSL. SSL provisioning is the BIGGEST weakness that is visible during onboarding. This should be a priority.
Christie Chirinos, Product Manager - WooCommerce
Merged in a post:
Auto Let's Encrypt Interface Needs to be Accurate
Steve G.
Tonight I transferred a site and waiting about an hour for the Auto Let's Encrypt system to install the new certificate.
But when I returned and clicked on the SSL page, it showed that the cert was not installed. So I turned OFF the Auto Let's Encrypt option thinking that turning it back on might force the system to check the DNS and actually install the cert.
But it turns out that the new cert had actually been installed after all, and when I turned ALE back on, the button just sat there spinning, forcing me to contact support. Of course, once I created the ticket, I checked the SSL page again, and the cert had finally been installed.
So the interface needs to accurately reflect the actual status of the certificates. It's maddening not to know what's going on and not to have any control over it.
Christie Chirinos, Product Manager - WooCommerce
under review
Interesting idea. More user feedback to track and analyze let’s encrypt status.