Allow DNS updates from 'Plan Dashboard'; not 'Home'
Angela D.
>Another issue I've run into lately is the change where the DNS options are moved up a level and no longer in the actual accounts. I have to go through more steps to get to that information rather than accessing the DNS related to the account I'm in right within the account.
Tiffany Bridge
We've got a couple of changes in queue related to making DNS management more easily accessible from both the domain page as well as the site page.
Brian Oates
under review
Thanks for the feedback, Angela. One of the reasons the DNS management link exists at the "top" level of the portal is that it is possible for an account to have DNS management over a given domain without that domain having plan/service tied to it.
However, I can absolutely see the reasonable expectation that everything relating to a given plan would be accessible within that plan's menu as well. This feature is currently under review.